Tutorial For The Creation Of Styles

First of all, you need the stylecomp.exe and some .bmp and .txt samples. You can download these in the moove shop -> Developers(or directly here). Please save the files in a folder of your choice on your PC.

The stylecomp.exe is a tool that creates a style for moove Roomancer. More information about this can be found towards the end of this tutorial.

First, however, you need to realise your ideas for a great style in a picture editing program of your choice. For this, you need the following samples that can be found in the .zip file you downloaded:


The upper graphic shows the mask, which can be changed in a picture editing program, and the resulting style"Ellipse".



In the following you will find a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this. Please click on the separate picture elements in the graphic below to see an explanation.
Good luck with creating your style!


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Here you can define the buttons in the toolbar menu. Please disregard the white and gray fields in this case.
The middle line displays the active buttons; the one at the bottom shows pressed buttons.


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This shows you a folder with your last used actors in the Actor Studio. To the left you can see the mask that can be changed and to the right the finished and implemented graphic in moove online.




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Should keep the preset color [rgb(255,0,255)] and should not be changed.


Now you can open each file separately, change it to whatever you want, and save it as a .bmp file. If your framework looks like you wanted it to, you will now need the .txt files.


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Color.txt: Color.txt: Here you can change the colors, for example the font color in the menu, ... These colors are in rgb.

for 1.:default background color

for 2.:font color of the individual buttons in the pop up windows (Actor -> My Actors -> female)

for 3.:titles of the pop windows (Actor -> My Actors), but also the text of the main menu (File, Edit, ... and "*...* is at home")

for 4.:does not have to be edited

for 5.:does not have to be edited

for 6.:text of the toolbar menus "Back, Community, House, ..."

for 7.:small arrows that appear when you minimize the browser

for 8.:background of the dialog box -> Rotate -----I-----, Zoom -----I-----

for 9.:"You say:"

for 10.:border of the choice of color in the Actor Studio and Posture Editor - shading point

for 11.:border of the choice of color in the Actor Studio and Posture Editor - lighting point

for 12.:text on buttons (e.g. camera)

for 13.:default color for transparency

for 14.:text entry background

for 15.:text

for 16.:background of the pop up window "House -> My House"

for 17.:font color in the pop up window "My House"

for 18.:owner name in room ("House -> My House")

for 19.:visitor name in room ("House -> My House")

for 20.:does not have to be edited

for 21.:does not have to be edited

for 22.:does not have to be edited

for 23.:does not have to be edited

for 24.:does not have to be edited

for 25.:does not have to be edited

for 26.:background of the pop up menus ("Actors -> My Actors, ...")

for 27.: font color of the sub-points of the pop up menus ("My Actors")

for 28.:background of the sub-points of the pop up menus ("Actors -> My Actors, ...") - onmouseover

for 29.:font color of the sub-points of the pop up menus ("My Actors") - onmouseover

for 30.:does not have to be edited

for 31.:does not have to be edited

for 32.:does not have to be edited

for 33.:does not have to be edited

for 34.:does not have to be edited

for 35.:does not have to be edited

for 36.:borders of the sub-points in the pop up windows - lighting points

for 37.: borders of the sub-points in the pop up windows - shading points

for 38.: borders of the sub-points in the pop up windows - onmouseover

for 39.: does not have to be edited

for 40.:font color in the pop up main menu (File, Edit, ...)

for 41.: bar behind the text in the pop up main menu - onmouseover (File, Edit, ...)

for 42.: font color in the pop up main menu - onmouseover (File, Edit, ...)

for 43.:inactive text in the pop up main menu (File, Edit, ...)

for 44.:borders of the pop up main menu (shading points) (Actors -> My Actors, ...)

for 45.:borders of the pop up main menu (lighting point) (Actors -> My Actors, ...)

for 46.:main menu"onmouseover border" below and to the right (File, Edit, ... Help)

for 47.:main menu"onmouseover border" above and to the left (File, Edit, ... Help)

for 48.:does not have to be edited

for 49.:does not have to be edited

for50.: does not have to be edited

for 51.:does not have to be edited

for 52.:does not have to be edited

for 53.:does not have to be edited

for 54.:does not have to be edited


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Here you enter the individual fonts and font sizes. The font sizes are optimized so that they don't have to be changed. The font can be changed any way you like.

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Metrics.txt: Here you can change the distance between the different elements in the moove online browser. However you don't have to change this file, since the defaults are optimized.
The only settings that might require changing are the following:

for 1.:
_ button -> distance to border
for 2.o button -> distance to border
for 3.x button -> distance to border

Usually you have to adjust these to your style.

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Here you can set the properties of the individual backgrounds. Backgrounds can be tiled ("0") or masked ("1").
This file doesn't have to be edited.

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This file doesn't have to be edited.


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This avi displays the animation to the top right of the browser. It has to be created with a program that supports .avi files. The size should be 50x21 pixel and the file cannot be compressed. You can safely ignore band.avi, since it doesn't have to be changed.



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As soon as you have edited your files, please open the stylecomp.exe. Click on "..."and open the files you edited (maske.bmp, maske_toolbarbuttons.bmp, maske_item.bmp, menu.bmp, colors.txt, metrics.txt, ...).
Now click on "Write Style File" and save the style in the "STY" folder in the "Art" directory of your moove online folder.
Go back to your moove online main directory and open the "Styles" folder, to be found in the "Showcases" folder. Here you can find the .uni files for the already existing styles. Copy one and rename it. Then open it and put the name of your style into the brackets and the quotes.

Now you can find your style in moove online under Extras -> Styles. If you don't like something about your style, you can work on it again, save it, and compile it again with the stylecompiler.


To get a feeling what your finished style will look like in moove online, you can already compile your style with the stylecompiler after only a few changes to the .bmp files and check it in the moove online browser.